Category Archives: Food

Hmmmmh What’s for Dinner tonight?…

Spicy Shrimp Spaghetti with Baked Salmon and Corn
Spicy Shrimp Spaghetti with Baked Salmon and Corn

Who doesn’t LOVE pasta or spaghetti or rice or all three? So we are sharing one of our favorite recipe for spaghetti that have been raved about by everyone who have had a taste. I can guarantee you that after reading about shrimp or the salmon, or the spaghetti or just looking at the pictures itself, you’ll be planning you next spaghetti night!

This is the uncooked salmon with the chopped sauce mix over it, ready to be baked!
This is the uncooked salmon with the chopped sauce mix over it, ready to be baked!

Baked Salmon: 6 fresh salmon cut into medium squares, 2 Bell peppers, 1 Onion 1Habenaro pepper.
Set oven to 350 degrees. Cut the fresh salmon and clean it, remove any bones. Season the salmon as desired. Cut the bell peppers, onions and Habanero pepper into a blender, add 3oz of water, and chop the mix. Do not blend the mix. Pour some of the mix into a clean aluminum pan, and set the salmons into the pan. Pour the remaining mix onto the salmon and lightly sprinkle salt and black pepper and place it in the oven between 45-60mins.

After 45mins in the oven, it is now ready.
After 45mins in the oven, it is now ready.
The corns are ready to be boiled for about 50 mins to get them soft enough to eat.
The corns are ready to be boiled for about 50 mins to get them soft enough to eat.

Corn: 5 whole corn and break into halves.
Wash corn thoroughly and place in pot. Pour water over the corn, put a small stick of butter and sprinkle light salt, cover pot. Let it boil between 30-60mins. Could add sugar if desired

Cooked Corn

Blend them to puree sauce
Blend them to puree sauce

Sauce: 3Bell peppers, 2onions, 3habanero pepper (only use 1 habenaro pepper, if you do not like spicy food)
Cut bell peppers, onions, habanero pepper in a blender and blend until puree. Pour 2 tablespoon of olive oil into pot, place on medium light, and add puree mix. Cover mix, and stir occasionally for 30mins or until cooked.

Sauce cooking on the stove
Sauce cooking on the stove
Uncooked, peeled tail shrimp
Uncooked, peeled tail shrimp

Shrimp: 1 bag of medium sized shrimps
Peel the tails of the shrimp off and clean. Pour into a small pot, season as desired, and boil on the stove between 7-10mins. Drains water and keep shrimp in a small bowl.

Deliciously cooked and waiting
Deliciously cooked and waiting

Pasta: Whole grain spaghetti
Boil water in a pot and place spaghetti into pot. Stir spaghetti to prevent clumping. Cook until tender and drain out water.


I have mixed the pasta, with the shrimp and sauce in the pot.
I have mixed the pasta, with the shrimp and sauce in the pot.

Keep stove at low light, return spaghetti into pot, pour sauce over it, add shrimp and mix it all together till spaghetti is evenly coated with sauce.

Dish a portion of spaghetti, small corn, and salmon for a tasty dinner.


Try out our delicious recipe and tell us how yours turn out by leaving a comment below!